When performing chin ups, muscles worked include the latissimus dorsi, biceps brachii, and trapezius. Each of these performs many different functional roles.Functional movement patterns involve…
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If you’re looking to add mass to your shoulders and back, look no…
Say that you’ve mastered the pull-up, what’s next? What if you don’t have…
So you’ve bought your pull-up bar, now what? We’ve done the hard work…
Beginner to 10 Chin Ups
Accelerating your journey to better bodyweight training. How to get from 0 to…
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Pull Ups Muscles Worked: A Detailed Guide
Australian Pull Ups Masterclass
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Muscle Up Training For Advanced CalisthenicsWhy muscle-ups?A good muscle-up is a great milestone for progress.It’s…
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Say that you’ve mastered the pull-up, what’s next? What if you don’t have a pull-up bar at your disposal? These…
So you’ve bought your pull-up bar, now what? We’ve done the hard work for you by detailing the 10 best…
Beginner to 10 Chin Ups
Accelerating your journey to better bodyweight training. How to get from 0 to 10 Chin-ups. Simple, clear guidance.Most people are…
The Best Resistance Bands for Pull Ups
So, you’ve heard about using resistance bands for pull ups, but not sure where to start, what to buy, how…
The Pull Up Mate Journey
It’s been a very difficult decision to make for us, but we sadly must announce that Pull Up Mate, the…
Chin-Ups Muscles Worked: A Detailed Guide
Pull Ups Muscles Worked: A Detailed Guide
Australian Pull Ups Masterclass

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Pull Up Mate: Bodyweight Training Tips and Advice from the Pros
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